IZONE 《Fiesta》舞蹈镜面分解教学

  • 简介:
    IZONE 《Fiesta》舞蹈镜面分解教学 舞姿优美,生动活泼而且简单易学,非常容易让新手入门,比较合适大众学习。视频后边附带舞蹈动作分解和教学。是帮您留住健康快乐,是科学减肥,时尚生活的必选高品质舞蹈之一。
    针对这IZONE 《Fiesta》舞蹈镜面分解教学 舞蹈视频需要特别注意:跳舞之前必须要热身运动好,特别是脚踝和膝盖处,这两处最非常容易受伤。特别注意地面是否平整,把有危害的障碍物清理掉,防止绊倒。每天练习时间段不要太久,最多2小时(包括热身10分钟),在跳舞过程要适当歇息,保持全身肌肉状态。大量出汗后要补充水分。
    IZONE 《Fiesta》舞蹈镜面分解教学 歌词:
    Fiesta - The Pogues
    I am francisco vasquez garcia
    I am welcome to Almeria
    We have sin gas and con leche
    We have fiesta and feria
    We have the song of the chochona
    We have brandy and half corona
    And Leonardo and his accordion
    And calamari and macaroni
    Come all you rambling boys of pleasure
    And ladies of easy leisure
    We must say adios until we see
    Almeria once again
    There is a minstrel there you see
    And he stopped one in three
    He whispers in this one's ear
    Will you kindly kill that doll for me
    Now he has won chochona in the bingo
    All the town has watched this crazy gringo
    As he pulls off the doll's head laughing
    And Miralda throws its body in the sea
    Come all you rambling boys of pleasure
    And ladies of easy leisure
    We must say adios until we see
    Almeria once again
    El vienticinco de agosto
    Abrio sus ojos jaime fearnley
    Pero el bebe cinquante gin campari
    Y se tendio para cerrarlos
    Y costello el rey de america
    Y su esposa cait o riordan
    Non rompere mes colliones
    Los gritos fuera de las casas
    Come all you rambling boys of pleasure
    And ladies of easy leisure
    We must say adios until we see
    Almeria once again
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