舞林一分钟 亚洲舞王罗志祥新歌《No Joke》舞蹈教学(下)

  • 简介:
    舞林一分钟《No Joke》的舞蹈特色:是一支亚洲舞王罗志祥的歌词分解教学视频,该舞蹈视频内含有舞蹈的正反面分解动作演示,舞蹈节奏比较欢快,适合广大中青年舞友日常锻炼!
    一定要注意跳舞林一分钟《No Joke》的注意事项:跳舞之前一定要热身好,尤其是脚踝和膝盖处,这两处最容易受伤。注意地面是否平整,把有影响的障碍物清理掉,防止绊倒。一天练习时间不必太久,最多2小时(包括热身10分钟),中途适当休息,保持肌肉状态。出汗后要补充水分。
    舞林一分钟《No Joke》歌词:
    No Cap Real Talk Only
    Totally thought I'm crazy
    Totally caught your eyes
    Nothing can stop me
    Cuz I'm too hot too lit
    突袭 前进
    招集 着力
    虚无 泡影 绝不成立
    不树敌 沉住气 成助力
    Only roll with the real
    Hold up Brah
    I'm for real No joke
    No joke
    I'm for real No joke
    No joke
    I'm the real deal now you better listen up
    I Know I Know
    You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
    I Know I Know
    You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
    I rule the game boi
    Not just the fame boi
    都蒙了 boi
    还傻傻相信啊 boi
    Just turn it turn it
    Turn down 无知的懦弱
    Clap clap 信真的不道听途说
    证明who's fake
    并不 表示 这是 真的 可以
    Aye Aye 不戳破 不是默许 Hold up
    I'm for real No joke
    No joke
    I'm for real No joke
    No joke
    I'm the real deal now you better listen up
    I Know I Know
    You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
    I Know I Know
    You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
    Hold up Brah
    I'm for real No joke
    No joke
    I'm for real No joke
    No joke
    I'm the real deal now you better listen up
    I Know I Know
    You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
    I Know I Know
    You want to dissent dissent dissent dissent
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